Charles Babbage’s mechanical engines

Babbage_LondonLe séminaire « Histoire de l’Informatique et du numérique »,  accueille Doron Swade spécialiste des pionniers de l’informatique.

Charles Babbage’s difference Engines and Analytical Engines embody just about every logical principle of the modern digital computer. This presentation surveys Babbage’s life and work as the first computer pioneer – his motives for designing the engines, his expectations of them, their remarkable capabilities, and the dismal fate of his failed attempts to build them. Was he an impractical dreamer or was his vision of automatic computation realistically rooted in the mechanical realities of 19th-century technology?

19 novembre 2013, 14h30,  gratuit avec inscription auprès de

Conservatoire national des arts et métiers,
292 rue Saint Martin, Paris 3ème
Salle 17.2.14

Retrouvez tous ces renseignements et le plan d’acces sur l’agenda du site

Horaires : 14h30-17h00